Dr Ameer Youssef Professional Website

Psychiatry Isn't Science ... It's an Art


Your donation can help save a child from the harsh winter.
  • €44 could help provide a kerosene heater to provide warmth for vulnerable children
  • €75 could help supply the shelter to keep a whole family secure from the bitter cold
  • €104 could buy all the clothes which a family like Safa’s needs to keep them healthy this winter

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

لون احمر ده ... و لا لون الحرية

نظر الشهيد لدمه و هو نازل
لون احمر ده ... و لا لون الحرية

الي كل شهيد شهد حرية مصر في لحظاته الاخيرة
احنا متشكرين
ووعد عليا
دمك مش هيروح هدر

د.أمير يوسف
Sout Al Horeya صوت الحريه